Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/345

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which are connected with the acts of movement or locomotion.

Conditions of Suturing:—An ulcer incidental to the application of fire (cautery), or any alkaline preparation (caustic), or treated with any poisonous drug or substance, or from whose inside the embedded Shalyam (foreign matter) has not been removed, should not be sewed up without being thoroughly cleansed and purified asepsised inasmuch as any foreign matter, whether a hair, nail or a particle of dust or bone, lying embedded in its cavity, might set up an abnormal suppuration, accompanied by extreme pain and excessive secretion. Hence such ulcers should be thoroughly cleansed (and all foreign or indigenous morbid matter should be extracted therefrom) before being sewed up.

Mode of Suturing:—Then having pressed the ulcer up into its proper position, it should be sutured with strings of any of the following kinds, viz. of thin cotton thread, of the fibres of the Ashmantaka tree or hemp plants, or of the Atasi, Murva or Guduchi, or with strips of leather, plaited horse-hair or animal sinews, into any of the officinal shapes (of suturing) known as the Gophana, Tunna-Sevani and Riju-Granthi, etc. or as suited to the shape and position of the ulcerated part. The margin of the ulcer should be gently pressed close with the fingers during suturing. A round needle to