Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/398

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[ Chap. XXXII.

(Similarly) a limb or a part of the body, hanging down from its natural position, or becoming raised or twisted round, or cast obliquely from its natural seat, or dislocated, or protruded, or drawn inward, or suddenly becoming light or heavy without any definite or assignable cause, or a sudden eruption of a coral- coloured rash or Vyanga, should be regarded as indicating a speedy dissolution of the patient in whom they are exhibited.

Likewise, the appearance of veins in the region of the forehead, or an eruption of postules on the ridge of the nose, perspiration on the forehead in the morning, copious lachrymation without any ocular complaint, a sense of being dusted with dried and pulverised cowdung over the face, or the flying of pigeons, Kankas, etc, over one's head, or excessive micturitions or motions of the bowels from an empty stomach, or a suppression of urine or feces even after a hearty meal or draught, is fatal. So also, pain and aching about the breast and the chest, emaciation of the extremities and an oedema of the middle part of the trunk, and vice versa; or an oedema of the upper trunk and emaciation of the lower part, and vice versa; or an oedema of the left half of the body and emaciation of the right, and vice versa; or hoarseness, huskiness, or loss of voice, discolouring of the teeth, nails or of the skin, eruption of white patches on the chest, etc, of the