Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/402

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Now we shall discourse on the Chapter, which treats of incurable diseases (Avaraniya-madhyayam).

Metrical texts:—Hear me describe, Oh child, the diseases which being attended with many a distressing and supervenient symptom, and being treated without rejuvenating and restorative medicines, speedily assume incurable character. The following eight diseases, viz:—Maha-Vata-vyadhi (paralysis or diseases affecting the nervous system in general), Prameha (morbid discharges from the urethra), Kushtha, Arsha (piles), Vagandara (fistula in ano), Ashmari (stone in the bladder), Mudha-garbha (false presentations) and the eight kinds of Udari (abdominal dropsy) are, by their very nature, extremely hard to cure. A physician with any regard to professional success should abandon a patient laid up with any of the preceding diseases, marked by complications such as, emaciation of the body, loss of strength, dyspnoea, palpitation, wasting, vomiting, dysentery and hie- cough, fever and swoon. A case of Vatavyadhi developing symptoms, such as oedematous swelling, complete anesthesia of the affected part, breaking and palsy shaking) of the affected limbs, distention of the abdomen, with aching and colic pain, usually ends in death.