Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/413

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with the occipital region fully developed and protruded, will enjoy a longer span of life. Men, on whose bodies sandal paste and similar preparations begin to dry up from the head downward, while those applied over the chest become absorbed later, should be looked upon as persons endowed with an uncommonly longer duration of life.

The medical treatment of such a patient may be unhesitatingly taken in hand by a physician. Persons, exhibiting bodily features other than those described above, should be looked upon as short-lived men, while those, who are possessed of features common to men of both the above mentioned types, should be considered as keeping the mean between them as regards longevity (Madhyamayuh).

Authoritative verses on the subject:—A man, with deep-set bones, ligaments, and veins, and tough and thick-set limbs, and firm and unflinching sense organs, as well as one whose body gradually develops a more and more symmetrical shape, should be looked upon as a long-lived man The man, who has not ailed for a single moment even from the day of his birth, and has been getting more and more strong- limbed every day through the cultivation of his inborn sense and a better knowledge of the laws of health, is sure to live to a good old age in the full enjoyment of his senses and intellect.