Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/416

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[ Chap. XXXV.

the ears, and the forehead, and the space intervening between the pupils of the eyes measure four fingers' width in length.

The entire length of the vaginal canal should measure twelve fingers' width. The space lying between the penis and the umbilicus, as well as the one intervening between the chest and the upper end of the throat (lit: neck), like the one lying between the tips of the two nipples of the breast, should measure twelve fingers' width in length. The length of the entire face should measure twelve fingers' width. The girth round the wrist and the fore-arm of a man should measure twelve fingers.

The girth round the knee-joint is sixteen fingers' width and the length between the wrist and the elbow should measure sixteen fingers' width. The part of the arm between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger should measure twenty-four fingers' width in all. The length of the entire arm measures thirty- two fingers' width, and the girth round the thighs should measure thirty-two fingers' width. The palm of the hand should measure six fingers' width in length and four fingers' width in breadth. The space between the bottom of the ball of the thumb to the root of the index finger, as well as the space between the root of the ears to the outer corner or angle of the eyes, should measure live fingers' in length. The middle finger should