Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/437

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and the component drugs of the aseptic plug powdered together, should be used for the purification of the cavity of an ulcer. For the same purpose a condensed extract (Rasa-Kriya)*[1] should be made of the essence of the drugs belonging to the Salsaradi, Patoladi, and Triphaladi groups.

Dhupanam:—A wise physician should fumigate (Dhupanam) an ulcer with the fumes of a compound consisting of Sriveshtaka, Sarjarasa, Sarala, Devadaru, and the drugs belonging to the Salsaradi group, pulverised together and made into an (aseptic) fumigating compound.

A cold infusion (Shhita-Shritam) of trees (Vata, Audumvara, Ashvattha, etc.) which are cooling and astringent in their virtue, should be used in healing or setting up a process of granulation in an ulcer.

The Ropana-Varti:—Plugs of drugs such as Soma, Amrita (Gulancha), and Ashvagandha, or of those belonging to the Kakolyadi group, or of the sprouts of milk-exuding trees (Kshirivrikshas such as, Vata, Audumvara, etc.) and inserted into an ulcer tend to help its granulation (Ropana). A paste (Kalka) of Samanga, Soma, Sarala wood, Soma-Valka, (red)

  1. *The process consists in mixing the drugs with water weighing eight or sixteen times their combined weight, and then boiling them down to an eighth or sixteenth part of the entire quantity.