Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/456

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[ Chap. XXXVIII.

The Guduchyadi Group:—The drugs known as Guduchi, Nimva, Kustumvuru, Chandana, and Padmaka, combinedly form the group known as the Guduchyadi Gana.

Metrical Text:—It is a good appetiser, and acts as a general febrifuge and successfully combats such symptoms as nausea, want of relish for food, vomiting, thirst and burning sensation of the body.

The Utpaladi Group:—The drugs known as Utpala, Raktotpala, Kumuda Saugondhika, Kuvalaya, Pundarika and Madhuka constitute the group known as the Utpaladi Gana.

Metrical Texts:—This group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of allaying thirst and corrects the deranged Pittam and the vitiated blood. It assuages the burning sensation of the body and proves curative in cases of vomiting, in Hridroga (Angina pectoris), in syncope, in ha3moptsis and in cases of poisoning as well.

The Mustadi Group:—The group of drugs known as Mushtadi Gana is composed of Musta, Haridra, Daru-Haridra, Haritaki, Amlaki, Vibhitaka, Kushtha, Haimavati, Vacha, Patha, Katurohini, Sharngashta, Ativisha, Dravidi, Bhallataka and Chitraka.