Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/479

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Now we shall discourse on the Chapter, which treats of the specific properties of drugs (Dravya-Vishesha-Vijnaniya-madhyayam).

The five fundamental principles*[1] such as the earth (Kshithi), water (Apa), fire (Teja), air (Marut) and Sky (Vyoma) enter into the composition of all substances in the world, and the predominance of any of them in a particular substance determines its character. Accordingly a thing is denominated as a substance of dominant earth principle, or one marked by a predominance of fire, air or ether.

Parthiva Drugs:—A thing or substance, which is thick, pithy, compact, dull, immobile, rough, heavy (hard to digest), strong smelling and largely has a sweet taste marked by a shade of astringent, is called a substance of dominant earth (Parthivam) matter. Such a thing increases the firmness, strength, hardness and rotundity of the human body, and is possessed of gravity (the virtue of moving the bowels).

Apyam Drugs:—Similarly, a thing or substance, which is cold, moist, glossy, devoid of keenness, takes time to be digested, is mobile, compact, soft,

  1. *These may be translated as Solid, Liquid, Gas, Ether, and Etheriort in the parlance of modern science.