Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/484

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[ Chap. XLI.

potency should be ascribed to the attributes of fire; cooling potency and that of engendering slime, to the predominance of the attributes of water in a drug or substance; oleaginousness, to the predominance of the attributes of the earth and water; plastive potency, to the predominance of the attributes of water and the sky; parchifying potency, to the excess of the attributes of air; non-slimy potency (Vaishadyam), to the predominance of the attributes of earth and air; and heavy and light digestion, to the same cause.

Of these, oiliness and thermogenetic potency prove curative in respect of the deranged Vayu, while cooling potency, plastive potency, and that of engendering slime subdue the deranged Pittam. Keenness, parchifying and non-slimy potencies conquer the deranged Kapham. Substances, which are heavy in digestion, destroy the deranged Vayu and Pittam, while those which are light in digestion (easily digestible substances) prove curative in respect of the deranged Kapham.

Of these, softness, coldness and heat may be perceived by touch. The properties of sliminess and its opposite may be perceived by the eyes and touch. The properties of dryness and oiliness of a drug may be perceived with the eyes; keenness of a drug from the fact of its producing pain in the mouth; and [heat and cold, by the sensation of comfort (pleasure) or discomfort— A. Text] The fact of heavy (insufficient)