Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/488

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[ Chap. XLII.

causes in which they have their origin, and prove soothing or pacifying in respect of causes other than those which produce them.

According to certain authorities, there are only two kinds of tastes, owing to the two- fold (hot and cold) nature of the temperament of the world. Of these the tastes such as sweet, bitter and astringent are cold in their properties, while the pungent, acid and saline ones exercise fiery or heat making virtues. The tastes such as sweet, acid and saline are heavy and emollient in their character, while the pungent, astringent and bitter ones are dry and light. The watery (Saumya) tastes are cold. The fiery (Agneya) ones are hot.

Coldness, dryness, lightness, non-sliminess, suppression (of the urine or ordure) form the characterstic properties of the Vayu. An astringent taste should be considered as possessed of the same properties as the Vayu, and hence it (astringent taste) increases the coldness, dryness, lightness, non-sliminess and arrestiveness of the latter with its specific coolness, dryness, lightness, non-sliminess and arrestiveness.

Heat, pungency, dryness, lightness, and non-sliminess form the specific properties of the Pittam. A pungent taste, which is possessed of the same properties as the Pittam, respectively increases the heat, pungency,