Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/524

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[ Chap. XLV.

according as the rain- cloud is charged with vapours evaporated from the bosom of the Ganges or the sea. Gangetic rain generally descends in the month of Ashvina, but both kinds should be subjected to a test; The test in the case of Gangam rain water consists in exposing to it, for a Muharta (forty-eight minutes), a quantity of undiscoloured Shali rice in a silver bowl which is not extremely softened by boiling. To ascertain whether it is Gangetic rain water or not, Gangetic rain water should be ascertained from the fact of the aforesaid Shali rice not being in any way affected in its colour; whereas a change in its colour under exposure, as well as the fact of its being formed into shreddy or seedy balls mixed with slimy secretions, would indicate that the rain water had been formed of the vapours of the sea; (Samudram), and should be regarded as extremely unwholesome. Rain water from a cloud entirely formed of sea-vapours and collected in the month of Ashvina, is as wholesome as what is technically known as Gangetic rain water, but the latter is the best of the several kinds of atmospheric water.

The means of collecting atmospheric (rain) water is as follows:—A broad piece of clean and white linen should be hung out in the open air, (with a stone placed across the middle to dip its centre of gravity). The rain water thus collected should be kept in a