Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/535

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miscarriage and other diseases peculiar to the female reproductive organs, and in haemoptysis. It is a refrigerant and acts as a bracing beverage after physical exercise. It is a sacred, constructive, tonic, spermatopoietic, rejuvenating and aphrodisiac. It expands the intellectual capacities of a man, brings about the adhesion of broken or fractured bones (Sandhana) rejuvenates used and exhausted frames, forms an excellent enemata, increases the duration of life, and acts as a vitaliser. It is an emetic and a purgative remedy, and imparts a healthy rotundity to the frame, and which through its kindred or similar properties augments the quality of bodily albumen (Ojah) and is the most complete and wholesome diet for infants, old men and persons suffering from cachexia witnessed in cases of ulcers in the chest, as well as for persons debilitated from insufficient food, sexual excesses or excessive, physical labour.

Metrical Texts:—Cow-milk is demulcent, and does not set up or increase the normal quantity of slimy secretions in the internal channels of the body. It is heavy and is a good elixir, and proves curative in haemoptysis. It is cold, and sweet both in taste and chemical reaction. It subdues both Vayu and Pittam and is accordingly one of the most efficient of vitalising agents.

The milk of a she-goat is possessed of properties similar to those of a cow, and is specially beneficial to