Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/550

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[ Chap. XLV.

deranged Vayu, or Kapham, as well as in cases of Kushtha, Prameha, head disease, and intestinal parasites.

Metrical Texts:—Kshauma (Linseed) oil is sweet. It subdues the bodily Vayu and is strength-giving, and pungent in digestion. Devoid of any eye-invigorating properties, it is hot though demulcent, and heavy. It increases the Pittam.

Mustard oil is light, and acts as a vermifuge. It proves curative in itch and cutaneous affections, reduces Vayu, Kapham and fat, and is pungent, appetising and Lekhana (liquefacient). Oil obtained from the seeds of Ingudi is a vermifuge, and is light, and slightly bitter in taste. It proves curative in Kushtha and parasitic disorders, and affects the strength, semen and the eyesight of its user. The oil obtained from Kushumbha flowers is pungent in digestion and leads to the derangement of all the bodily humours. It is irritating, and acid in its reaction (Vidahi). It is devoid of any eye-cleansing property and brings on haemoptysis.

The Oils obtained from the Kirata-tiktaka, Atimuktaka, Vibhitaka, Narikela, Kola, Akshoda, Jivanti, Piyala, Karvudara, Surjavalli, Trapusa, Ervaruka, Karkaru, and Kushmanda seeds, etc. are sweet in taste, potency and digestion, and tend to pacify the deranged V4yu and Pittam. Cooling in their potency, they increase the slimy secretions of the organs, impair digestion, and help the copious evacuation of stool and urine.