Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/553

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potency, astringent in taste, and prove curative in cases of haemoptysis. The fat, marrow, etc. of animals of the Pratuda and Vishkira species (doves, pigeons, etc.) reduce the bodily Kapham. Of clarified butter, oil, myosin (Vasa), fat and marrow of animals each is heavier in digestion, and possesses a greater power of subduing the bodily Vayu than the one immediately preceding it in the order of enumeration.

The Honey Group:—Honey is sweet, and leaves an astringent after-taste. It is parchifying, cold, stomachic, cosmetic, tonic, light, softening, palatable, liquefacient (Lekhanan), and fermenting (Sandhanam). It acts as a purifying and healing agent in respect of ulcers and eyes, is aphrodisiac, astringent, and tends to permeate all the minutest channels and capillaries of the organism. It is antifat and pacifies the deranged Pittam and Kapham, and proves curative in hiccough, Meha, dyspnoea, cough, dysentery, vomiting and thirst. It is a vermifuge, antitoxic and demulcent, and influences the subduing of the three deranged humours. Owing to its lightness it subdues the deranged Kapham, and proves a good antidote to the deranged Vayu and Pittam owing to its sliminess, sweetness and astringent taste.

Metrical Texts:—Eight different kinds of honey are commonly used such as, the Pauttikam, Bhramaram, Kshaudram, Makshikam, Chhatram,