Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/575

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light of digestion, and impart strength to those who use them. They subdue the Pittam and slightly generate Vayu and Kapham. They are demulcent and tend to constipate the bowels and reduce the quantity of fecal matter. Of these the red species (Lohitaka) is the most efficacious, and subdues the deranged humours. It is diuretic, spermatopoietic, refrigerant, eye-invigorating, cosmetic, tonic and pleasant. It improves the voice. Its efficacy has been witnessed in cases of fever and ulcer, and in all other diseases. It is a good disinfectant and anti-toxic. The other species differ a little in their properties from the preceding one and are successively inferior in quality in their order of enumeration.

Shashtika Group:—The several species of Shashtika, Kanguka, Mukundaka, Peetaka, Pramodaka, Kakalaka, Asana-Pushpaka, Maha-Shashthika, Churnaka, Kuravaka, and the Kedaraka, etc.

Metrical Texts:—They (Shashtikas) are sweet in taste and digestion, and pacify the Vayu and the Kapham. Their properties are somewhat identical with those of Shali rice inasmuch as they are constructive, tonic and spermatopoietic, and increase the Kapham. The Shashtika is pre-eminently the most efficacious of all the other species, and leaves an astringent after-taste in the mouth. It is light, mild, demulcent and imparts Strength and firmness to the body. It is astringent and