Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/588

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[ Chap. XLVI.

taste. It proves beneficial in haemoptysis and is sweet of digestion. The flesh of the Kulinga is sweet, demulcent, and spermatopoietic, and increases the bodily Kapham. The flesh of the domesticated Kulinga is highly spermatopoietic, and proves curative in cases of haemoptysis.

Animals such as the lion, tiger, wolf, hyena arboreal leopard (Vriksha dipi), cat, jackal, bear, and Mrigaervaruka (a jackal-shaped, deer-eating species of tiger) belong to the group of the Guhashayas (cave- dwelling mammals).

Metrical Texts:—The flesh of animals belonging to this family is sweet, heavy, demulcent and strength- giving. It subdues the deranged Vayu. It is heat-making in its potency, and proves beneficial in diseases affecting the eyes and anus.

The Prasaha Group:—Birds such as, the Kaka, Kanka, Kurura, Chasa, Bhasa, Shashaghati, Uluka, Chilli, Shyena, Gridhra, etc. belong to the family of Prasahas (Carnivorous birds that suddenly dart on their prey).

Metrical Text:—The flesh of birds belonging to this group is identical in its virtues, potency, taste and digestive transformation with those of the aforesaid carnivorous mammals, such as the lion, etc., and is specially beneficial in cases of consumption and kindred wasting diseases.