Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/601

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Authoritative verse on the subject:—The age, body, development of limbs, temperament, natures, sex, constitution, size and habit of an animal should be taken into consideration before determining whether its flesh is wholesome or not. The measure in which it may be used as food with decided advantage to the organism and to what extent it will purify or improve its virtues, should also be considered.

The Fruit Group (Phala-varga):-Now we shall discourse (on the specific virtues) of fruits, such as the Dadima, Amalaka, Kapittha, Vadara, Kola, Karkandhu, Sauvira, Shimvitikaphala, Matulunga, Amra, Amrataka, Karamarda, Piyala, Lakucha, Bhavya, Paravata, Vetraphala, Prachinamalaka, Tintidika, Nipa, Koshamra, Amlika, Naranga, and Jamvira, etc.

Metrical Texts:—(We ,may describe the general properties of fruits by saying that) they are acid in taste and heavy of digestion, heat-making in their potencies, (expectorant) of (Kapham), generate Pittam and subdue the Vayu. Of the fruits enumerated in the above list the Dadima leaves an astringent after-taste and does not generate the Pittam to an inordinate degree.*[1] It acts as an appetiser, brings on

  1. *Charaka and Bhattaraka Harishchandra exclude Dadima (pomegranate) from the list of Pittakara agents, while Jejjadacharya is of opinion that it neither generates nor subdues the Pittam.