Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/608

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[ Chap. XLVI.

tonic, tissue-building, pleasant, laxative and diuretic. It subdues the Pittam, The Panasam is sweet and astringent in taste, demulcent and heavy of digestion. The Maucham has a sweet and astringent taste, not cooling in its potency, proves curative in cases of haemoptysis, acts as a spermatopoietic and improves the relish for food. It generates the Kapham and is heavy of digestion.

The fruits such as the Drakshas, Kashmaryas, Madhukas, Kharjuras, etc., have a sweet taste, are heavy of digestion and prove curative in cases of haemoptysis. Of these grapes are laxative, beneficial to the voice, sweet, demulcent, and cooling in their potency. They prove beneficial in cases of haemoptysis, fever, asthma, thirst, burning sensation of the skin, and consumption. The fruit known as the Kashmarya Phala is pleasant and diuretic. It purifies the blood, improves the intellect and growth of hair, and is rejuvenescent and subdues the Vayu and Pittam. Kharjuras are possessed of the virtue of arresting all bodily wastes. They prove beneficial in Urakshata, are pleasant, cooling in their potency, refreshing, heavy of digestion, sweet in taste, and prove curative in cases of haemoptysis. The flowers of Madhuka trees are tissue-building, unpleasant and heavy of digestion, while their fruit subdues the Vayu and Pittam.