Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/616

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[ Chap. XLVI.

dried state it is sweet in digestion, acts as a demulcent, allays thirst, and alleviates the burning sensation of the skin. It has a slightly bitter and pungent taste, tends to subdue the deranged humours of the body and purifies, its internal channels. Jamvira is digestant, sharp and acts as a vermifuge. It subdues the Vayu and Kapham, and is aromatic, appetising and pleasant. It tends to remove the bad taste in the mouth, and alleviates cough, dyspnoea and diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu and Kapham or due to poison. The Surasa generates the Pittam, relieves the colic and pain at the sides, while the Sumukha is said to be possessed of the same properties with the exception that it neutralises the effects of poisons brought about through the chemical combination (of several incompatible substances in the organism). The herbs known as the Surasa, Arjaka and Bhustrina destroy the Kapham, are light of digestion, and tend to produce a state of parchedness in the organism. They are demulcent, generate the Pittam, and are heat-making in their potency and pungent in taste and digestion. The herb called the Kasamardaka has a bitter and sweet taste. It subdues the vayu and Kapham, is a digestant, cleanses the throat and specially subdues the Pittam. The Shigru has a pungent, alkaline, sweet and bitter taste and generates the Pittam, while the Madhu-Shigru variety is laxative, has a bitter and pungent taste; is appetising and removes oedematous swelling of the