Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/629

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Pindaluka, Madhvaluka, Hastyaluka, Kasthaluka, Shankhaluka, Raktaluka, Indivara and Utpala etc. alleviate haemoptysis, are cooling in their potency, sweet in their taste and heavy of digestion. They tend to increase the semen in large quantities and augment the quantity of milk in the breast of a human mother. The bulb known as the Vidari-Kanda has a sweet taste, and acts as a constructive tonic and is spermatopoietic. It is cooling in its potency, beneficial to the voice, and imparts strength to the system. It is extremely diuretic and subdues the Vayu and Pittam, The Shatavari has a sweet and bitter taste and is spermatopoietic. It subdues the Vayu and Pittam, the one belonging to the largesized species being palatable and appetising and tonic. The latter improves the intellect and proves curative in cases of mesenteric diarrhoea (Grahani) and piles, and is spermatopoietic, rejuvenating, restorative, and cooling in its potency. The under-sprouts of this creeper (large-sized Shatavari) have a bitter taste and subdue the Pittam and Kapham. The Visham*[1] proves curative in cases of haemoptysis, and is long retained in the stomach in an undigested state, though it falls under the category of substances which can be but partially digested. It

  1. *Bulbs of lotus plants — though certain authorities aver that the inner lining or membranous fibres of a lotus-stem are called Visha, the outer covering being known as the Mrinalam.