Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/635

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the deranged Pittam and Kapham. Zinc and lead are vermifugal, as well as liquefacient and corrosive. They have a saline taste. Pearls, corals, diamonds, sapphires, Vaidurya (lapis lazuli), crystals, etc. are beneficial to the sight, and cooling in their potency. They are anti-toxic and act as liquefacient or corrosive agents. They are possessed of sacred prophylactic virtues, and bring good luck to men who wear them, and cleanse their wearers from all impurities. Thus the description of the salt group is ended.

Metrical texts:—The intelligent shall determine the properties of cereals, flesh, fruits, potherbs, etc., (other than those described under their respective heads in the present chapter), which should be deter- mined with the help of their respective tastes, as well as from the nature of the predominant material principles which enter into their composition. The Shastika, barley, wheat, Rakta-Shali, and the pulses such as the Mudga, the Adhakia, and the Masura should be regarded as the best and by far the most nutritious of the cereals which fall under the respective heads of the Paddy Group(Dhanyavarga). The flesh of the Lava, Tittiri, Saranga, Kuranga, Ena, Kapinjala, Mayura (peacock), Varmi and Kurma (tortoise) should be regarded as the best of those of all other animals respectively belonging to their own species. Of fruits, those called Dddimva, A malaka, Drdksha,