Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/642

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[ Chap. XLVI.

undigested state in the stomach and impairs digestion. It is insipid, generates the Vayu in the organism, and tends to produce a state of parchedness in the body. The dish known as the Khanshka Mansa (a kind of dried meat) is very hard to digest (heavy of digestion) and proves wholesome only to men of strong digestive powers. The cooked meat called the Veshavara (boneless boiled meat subsequently pasted and cooked with treacle, clarified butter, black pepper, Pippali, and Shunthi, etc.) is heavy of digestion, demulcent, strength giving, and alleviates diseases due to the action of the angry Vayu. The dish known as the Samira is soothing to all the fundamental principles of the organism. It specially removes parchedness of the mouth, allays thirst and hunger, and is palatable and cooling in its potency.

Mudga soup subdues the .Kapham, and is appetising and agreeable. It forms the most wholesome diet to persons whose systems have been cleansed with the aid of purgative and emetic remedies, as well as to those suffering from ulcers. The soup known as the Raga-Shadava (which is another name for Mudga soup prepared with grapes and expressed pomegranate- juice is light, and imparts a relish to food. It is not hostile to the deranged humours of the bodv but slightly subdues their action). The soup of the Masura, or of the Mudga, or of the Godhuma or