Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/644

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[ Chap. XLVI.

The soups of the Yava,Kola and Kulattha pulses destroy the Vayu and are beneficial to the larynx. Similarly, soups of all the pulses, which go by the name of Shami-Dhanyas, increase the strength and rotundity of the body. Khala and Kamvalika soups are respectively agreeable and subdue the Vayu and Pittam.

All soups cooked and prepared with the expressed juice of pomegranate should be known as strength-giving, demulcent, and heavy of digestion. They subdue the Vayu and Pittam. Soups, made and flavoured acid by the mixture of whey, produce the Pittam and tend to vitiate the blood and besides aggravate the effects of any imbibed poison lurking in the system.

The soups and gruels respectively known as the Kharayusha,*[1] the Khara-Yavagu,†[2] the Shadava‡[3] and the Panaka should be prepared with the advice, and according to the instructions of a physician. The soup, which is cooked or prepared without the admixture of any salt, condiments (black pepper, pungent spices) or any oily or lardaceous substance, is called the Akrita-Yusha (unseasoned soup), whereas the one which is cooked and seasoned with the foregoing

  1. *Mudga soup prepared with whey, horse-apple, Amrul (oxalis corniculata), cumin seeds, black pepper and the roots of Chita (Plumbago Zeylanica).
  2. †Gruel prepared in the manner of Khara-Yusha.
  3. ‡Mudga soup in the composition of which things of sweet, saline, astringent, acid and pungent tastes largely enter.