Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/668

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[ Chap. XLVI.

a reactionary acidity. The injested food) whether of a character that stamps it as belonging to the Vidahi group or not, is but incompletely digested and gives rise to a reactionary acidity in the event of the Pittam being confined in the stomach, or in the intestines. Dry food (cakes, etc. incompatible food combinations (milk with fish and so on), and those, which are long retained in the stomach in an undigested state, tend to impair the digestive functions (Agni).

The Kapham, Pittam, and Vayu respectively produce the types of mucous indigestion of chyme (Amajirnam), acid indigestion (Vidagdhajirnam), and indigestion due to incarcerated fecal matter (Vishtabdhajirnam). Certain authorities aver that there is a fourth class of indigestion, known as the indigestion of unassimilated chyle ( Rasa-shesha). Drinking of an abnormal quantity of water, irregular eating, voluntary suppression of any natural urging of the body, sleep in the day, keeping of late hours in the night, partaking of a light food with a strong appetite are the factors which interfere with the proper digestion of food and develop symptoms of indigestion. The food taken by a person under the influence of envv. passion, greed, or anger, etc., or by a man suffering from a chronic distemper, is not properly digested.

Types of Indigestion:—A case of indigestion in which the undigested food matter ac-