Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/94

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Preliminary surgical measures:—Classification of surgical operations—Accessories which are to be collected at the outset— Qualifications of a surgeon—Modes of incision, etc. at the different parts of the body—Measures to be adopted after surgical operations—The prophylactic Mantra—Directions for dressing wounds and removing bandages according to the nature of the prevailing season of the year—Acts and articles prohibited to a patient with a granulating wound—Measures for removing the pain in a surgical wound ... ... ... ... ... 36–44

Characteristic features of the different seasons of the year and their influence on health and drugs:—Time and its traits—Etymology of the term Kala (time)—Divisions of time and classification of the seasons of the year, with their respective features. Classification of the seasons of the year for the purposes of the Ayurveda—Inception, aggravation or subsidence of the deranged Vayu, Pittam and Kapham according to the nature of the prevailing season of the year—Aggravation or subsidence of the same in the different quarters of the day and night—Causes of epidemics— Prophylactic measures—Features of natural or unnatural seasons 45—55

Surgical appliances, their use and construction:—Number of surgical instruments—Names, dimensions, use and functions of surgical appliances with points of their respective excellence or defect—Minor surgical accessories—Excellence of Kankamukha ... 56—63

Surgical instruments, and their names, use and construction:—Mode of handling the different surgical instruments.—Their commendable features— Sharpening, edging and tempering, etc.. of