Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/103

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chap. VI.]

non-relish for food, Indigestion, expectoration of mucous, vomiting, excessive sleep, cough and laboured breathing (Svasa) are the supervening traits (Upadrava) of the Kaphaja Prameha. A piercing pain in the testes, a pricking (veda) pain in the bladder, a shooting pain (Tuda) in the penis, a griping pain at the heart, acid eructations, fever, dysentery, a non-relish for food, vomiting, a sensation as if the entire body is emitting fumes, a burning sensation in the skin, thirst, epileptic fits, insomnia, jaundice (Pandu) and a yellow colour of the stool and urine are the supervening symptoms which mark the Pittaja types of Prameha. An oppressive feeling at the heart (Hridgraha), eager longings for foods of all tastes, insomnia, numbness of the body, fits of shivering, colic pain and constipation of the bowels are the supervening symptoms, which specifically mark the Vataja types. Thus we have described the nature of the twenty different types of Meha with their supervening evils as well. 13-16.

The ten different types of Pidaka (abscess, carbuncles, pimples, pustules etc.) are found to crop up on the bodies of patients, suffering from Prameha, and abounding in fat and Vasa, and whose fundamental principles have been affected by the simultaneous derangement of the Vayu, Pittam and Kapham. They are named as 'Saravika, Sarshapika, Kachchapika; Jaiini, Vinata, Putrini, Masurika, Alaji, Vidarika and Vidradhika. 17

Metrical Texts : — An abscess which is raised at the margin and dipped in its centre, so as to resemble an Indian saucer in its shape is called Saravika. Pimples or pustules of the shape and size of white mustard seeds are called Sarshapika. An abscess, resembling (the back of) a tortoise in shape and attended with a burning sensation, is called Kachchapika by the wise.