Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/12

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benefit of such truths would certainly be a sacrilege. In giving preference to English as the medium of translation we have been actuated by more reasons than one.

It cannot be gainsaid that English has now become almost the lingua franca of the world, and to disseminate the ancient wisdom of India throughout the world, we could not have selected a medium better than the English language. Besides this, we have been actuated by the hope of drawing the direct attention of our benign Government to the scientific value of our system of Medicine by the adoption of such a procedure.

Here we must not stop without expressing our sincere and hearty thanks to our learned and valued friends Kaviraj Jogindranath Sen, M.A., Vidyabhusana, Kaviraj Jnanendranath Sen, B.A., Kaviratna and Professor Satyendranath Sen, M. A., Vidyavagisa, who have rendered us material help in the publication of this volume. We must freely admit that but for the active and continued co-operation of the above-named gentlemen we could not have brought out this volume so promptly and successfully. Our thanks are also due to Dr. S. Sanyal, B.Sc, L.M.S. for his kind help, to Dr. S. N. Goswami, B.A., L.M.S. for his kindly supplying us with materials for writing the Introduction, and to our readers for their kind encouragement