Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/58

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is regarded as identical with the divine energy of eternal life (God), inasmuch as it is unconditional and absolute in its actions and effects, eternal and self-origined, and is subtile and all-pervading (like the sky and the atoms). It is the primary factor, which determines the principle of cause and effect in all forms of created things, whether mobile or immobile. It is so called (Váyu) from the fact of its coursing (skr. Vá—to move) throughout the universe. It determines the growth, origin and disintegration of all animated organisms, and as such, it receives the homage of all created beings. Although invisible in itself, yet its works are patent or manifest. It is cold, light, mobile, dry and piercing, and follows a transverse course. It is characterised by the two attributes (proper-sensibles or Gunas) of sound and touch. It abounds in the fundamental quality of Rajas (principle of cohesion and action), is of inconceivable prowess, propels all the deranged or obstructing priniciples (Doshas) in the organism, (or in other words, is primarily concerned with the deranged principles of the body which are pathogenic in their actions). It is instantaneous in its action, and radiates or courses through the organism in constant currents. It has its primary field of action in the intestinal tract (Pakvádhána) and the rectum (Guda). In Its deranged state, it is the principal factor, which, (In combination with the deranged PIttam and Kapham), lies at the root of all diseases, and Is accordingly termed the king of diseases (Rogarát). 3.

The action of Váyu in its normal State:—Now, hear me describe the symptoms, which mark the Váyu, as it courses through the organism. The Váyu, in its normal or undisturbed condition, maintains a state of equilibrium between the different Doshas and the root principles of the body (Dhátu); it further