Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/61

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chap. I.]

of the Stomach (Amashaya) the deranged or aggravated Vayu gives rise to vomiting, vertigo, epileptic fits, thirst and pain at the sides (Parsva Sula) and about the region of the heart (Hridgraha). In the intestines (Pakvashaya) the enraged or disturbed Vayu gives rise to a rumbling in the intestines, a piercing pain about the region of the umbilicus, scanty and painful urination and stool, or their entire suppression (Anaha), and pain about the region of the coccyx (Trika). 13 — i 5. Similarly, incarcerated in the sense-organs, such as the cars, etc. it tends to deprive them of their respective faculties. In the .skin (lymph chyle) it produces a discolouring of the complexion, parchedness and twitching in the skin, and causes a complete local anaesthesia, giving rise to a tingling, piercing pain in the skin, which spontaneously bursts, or becomes marked with cracks and fissures. Similarly, the aggravated Vayu interfering with the principle of blood gives rise to ulcers. In the flesh, it produces painful nodes and tumours (Granthi), while in the principle of fat it brings on almost painless tumours (Granthi) unattended with any kind of ulcer. Incarcerated in the veins &c. (Sira) it produces a stiffening or painful contraction, or a varicose or neuralgic condition; in a ligament (Sndyu), it produces numbness (anaesthesia), palsy, aching pain and convulsive jerks ; in a long joint, it tends to deprive it of its contractibility and produces a painful inflammatory swelling (about the affected part). In the bones it produces a wasting (atrophy) of the bones which crack and begin to spontaneously burst, attended with the characteristic bone-ache. Again in that important principle of life, the marrow, it tends to dry it up and produces a sort of pain, extending all over the body which knows no respite or abatement. Similarly, in the principle of semen it tends to produce a scanty,