Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/63

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chap. I.]

physical languor are the indications, which distinguish a case of the Udana Vayu being surcharged with the Pittam; while a stoppage or absence of perspiration, appearance of goose-flesh on the skin, impaired digestion, coldness and numbness of the affected part characterise a case of the same being surcharged with the Kapham. 29—32.

Copious flow of perspiration, heat with a burning sensation in the body, and epileptic fits indicate a case when the Samana Vayu has become united with the Pittam; while a copious flow of stool and urine, and an excess of mucous secretion (Kapham) from the nose (fluent coryza) etc. and horripilation mark a case, where it has become saturated with the Kapham. 33 — 34.

Heat and a burning sensation in the affected part and a profuse menorrhagia mark a case when the Apana Vayu becomes surcharged with the Pittam, where- as a sense of heaviness in the lower limbs characterises a case when it becomes overcharged with the Kapham. 35—36.

[Symptoms such as,] burning and jerking in the limbs, and a sense of physical languor become manifest in the event of the Vyana Vayu being surcharged with the Pittam, while a general heaviness of the limbs, stiffness or numbness of the bone-joints, and an incapability of locomotion indicate the fact of its being surcharged with the Kapham. 37—38.

The Nidanam of Vata Raktam:—An over-indulgence in grief, excessive sexual intercourse, inordinate physical exercise, drinking large quantities of wine, observance of a regimen of diet and conduct in a particular season of the year which is improper to it, use of articles of food which are not congenial to one's own temperament and an improper or