Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/74

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Now we shall discourse on the Nidanam of Arsas (Haemorrhoids}, I.

Haemorrhoids may be divided into six classes viz:—(i) Vataja (due to the action of the deranged Vayu (ii) Pittaja (due to the action of deranged Pittam), (iii) Kaphaja (due to the action of deranged Kapham), (iv) Raktaja (due to the action of the vitiated blood), (v) Sannipataja (due to the concerted action of the deranged Vayu, Pittam and Kapham i and (vi) Sahaja (congenital).

Pathology:—The deranged Vayu, Pittam, etc. enraged by their specific aggravating causes, or by such acts or conduct as partaking of food composed of incompatible substances, eating before the previous meal has been digested, inordinate sexual intercourse, sitting on the haunches, excessive riding, and the voluntary suppression of any natural urging of the body, either severally or in combination of two or three Doshas, or vitiating the blood of a person, who observes no moderation in food and drink &c., become dislodged from their natural seats in the body [according to the law of Prasaranam (expansion and change of place by a deranged organic principle)] and are carried down through the large intestine (Pradhana Dhamani) into the descending colon and getting lodged therein, give rise to growths of polypi or fleshy condylomata, which are known as piles. These growths chiefly appear in persons suffering from impaired digestion (Agni), and gain in size through friction with the wearing apparel, weeds, wood, lumps of clay or stone, or by contact with cold water. 3.

The lower end of the large intestine, which passes into the flexure of the rectum and measures four and