Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/90

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rectum), is sunk at its root, and attended with pain and febrile symptoms. Pain, itching and burning sensations are experienced about the anus after a ride in a carriage, or after defecation. The anus becomes swollen, and the waist painful in the premonitory stages of Bhagandaram. 8—9.

Prognosis:—Almost all the types of this disease (Fistula in anoj yield to medicine after a prolonged course of treatment, and are hard to cure, except the Sannipatah and traumatic ones, which are incurable. 10.

Thus ends the fourth Chapter of the Nidana Sthanam in the Sushruta Samhita, which treats of the Nidanam of Fistula in ano (Bhagandaram).