Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 2.djvu/98

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ment is the only remedy in cases where the disease is found to invade the principle of fat; whereas a case where the poison is found to have penetrated into any of the remaining organic principles should be given up as incurable. 22,

Wise men hold that, for killing a Brahmana, or a woman, or one of his own relations, for theft, as well as for doing acts of impiety, a man is sometimes cursed with this foul disease by way of divine retribution. The disease reattacks a man even in his next rebirth in the event of his dying with it. Uncured Kushtham (leprosy) is the most painful, and most troublesome of all diseases. 23 — 24.

A Kushthi (leper), getting rid of this foul malady by observing the proper regimen of diet and conduct and by practising expiatory penances and by resorting to proper medicinal measures, gets an elevated status after death. 25.

Kushtham (Leprosy) is a highly contagious disease; the contagion being usually communicated through sexual intercourse with a leper (Kushthi), or by his touch or breath, or through partaking of the same bed, and eating and drinking out of the same vessel with him, or through using the wearing apparel, unguents and garlands of flowers previously used by a person afflicted with this dreadful disease. Kushtham (Leprosy), fever, pulmonaiy consumption, ophthalmia and other Aupasargika disease (incidental to the influences of malignant planets or due to the effects of impious deeds) are communicated from one person to another. 26.

Thus ends the fifth Chapter of the Nidanasthanam in the Sushruta Samhita which treats of the Nidanam of cutaneous affections (Kushtham).