Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/103

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Chap. XVII. ]

the manner of Bhávaná saturation and used as a Praty-anjana * [1](in cases of Vátaja Timira unattended with redness). In cases of Vátaja Timira attended with redness of the eye, however, the Srotonjana should be placed inside the blades of Kuśa grass and preserved for a month inside the mouth of a (dead) black cobra. Then it should be taken out and mixed with Saindhava salt and the burnt ashes of Málati (Játi) flowiers. It should then be applied as an Anjana to the affected organ. As an alternative, Srotonjana should be soaked in milk for three successive days and applied to the seat of the disease in a case of (Vátaja) Kácha (cataract) which is said by experts to be remediable by this Anjana. 25.

Treatment of Pittaja-Kácha:— Clarified butter skimmed from milk (and not from curd) and duly cooked with the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group †[2] should be employed as a snuff (Nasya), or as a Tarpana in the Pittaja type of this disease. The flesh of Jángala animals (deer, etc.) and the drugs of the Kákolyâdi group should be used in the manner of Puta-páka in the Pittaja type of Kácha. A Kshudránjana composed of Rasánjana, sugar, honey Manah-śilá, and Yashti-madhu may likewise be applied. The use of an Anjana composed of Rasánjana and Tutthaka taken in equal parts and finely pounded, is also recommended by experts ‡[3] in such cases. Powdered Tutthaka soaked in the decoction of Bhillota and the drugs of

  1. * Pratyanjana (secondary eye-salve) is an antidote for the over-use of an Anjana.
  2. † According to some commentators the milk should be first cooked with the drugs of the Madhura group, and butter should then be churned out of that milk.
  3. ‡ A benumbed condition of the eye through the abuse of eye-salves calls for the use of this Anjana as an antidote.