Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/139

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which treats of the medical treatment of the diseases peculiar to the car (Karna-gata-Roga-Pratishedha). 1.

General treatment:— Potions of clarified butter (after meal), use of Rasáyana-measures*[1] renunciation of all sorts of physical exercise, baths without immerging the head, absolute sexual abstinence and abstinence from talkativeness are the general remedies and rules to be prescribed in the affections of the ear in general. 2.

Treatment of the Vátaja Ear-diseases: — The course of medical treatment to be pursued in the four forms of the ear-diseases (all due to the action of Váyu) viz., Karna-śula, Pranáda, Vádhirya and Karna-kshveda is the same and is as follows, Sneha should be first administered (both internally and externally) and the patient purged with emulsive purgatives after which the affected locality should be fomented with Váyu-subduing drugs administered in the manner of Nádi-sveda or Pinda-sveda. 3.

A case of Karna-śula (ear-ache), due to the concerted action of the deranged Váyu and Kapha of the locality yield to the application of fomentation to the affected part with (the fumes of) Vilva, Eranda-roots, Arka, Varshábhu, Kapittha, Dhustura, Śigru, Ájagandhá, Aśvagandhá, Jayanti, barley and bamboo, boiled in Áranála (fermented rice-gruel) and administered in the manner of Nádi-sveda (fomentation through a pipe). An attack of Karna-śula (ear-ache) yieds to the application of

  1. * In place of "Rasáyana" (use of tonic) some read *'Rasáśanam" (use of meat-soup with meal).