Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/14

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this country are being investigated by scientific experts under the direction of the Government of India, this ancient system of Medicine and Surgery will attract the attention of those who have hitherto neglected it as unworthy of notice.

The encouragement which we have received from the Governments of Bengal and Nepal and from the States of Baroda and Mysore, has helped us a great deal and we take this opportunity of expressing our gratitude towards them. The active help extended to us in the preparation of this work by Vaidyaratna Kaviraj Jogindra Nath Sen, Vidyabhusan, M. A., Kaviraj Madhav Chandra Tarkatirtha, Kaviraj Jnanendranath Sen, Kaviratna, B. A., Prof. Satyendranath Sen, Vidydvagis'a, M. A., and Babu Sachindralal Bhaduri, B. A., B. L., we also specially and thankfully acknowledge. We offer our sincerest thanks also to Dr. U. D. Banerjee, L. R. C. P., M. R. C. S. Dr. Y. M. Bose, M. D. (Chicago), and Kaviraj Surendranath Goswami, Yidyavinode. B. A., L. M. S. who have never failed to give us their valuable suggestions whenever we have sought their advice.




May 25, 1916.