Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/142

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[Chap. XXI.

leaves of the same plant. It should then be scorched in fire in the manner of Puta-pâka. The juice should then be squeezed out of it and used lukewarm as an ear-drop to alleviate the pain in the ear. 16.

Different kinds of Ear-drops:— The expressed juice of Kapittha, Mátulunga and Árdraka mixed together and made lukewarm, or the lukewarm Chukra (a kind of Kánjika) should be used as ear-drops in a case of ear-ache. As an alternative, the affected ear should be judiciously dusted with powdered Samudra-phena in such a case. As an alternative, the eight kinds of officinal urines made lukewarm and used as an ear-drop may prove efficacious in removing an ear-ache. Similarly, a case of an ear-ache yields to the curative virtue of an ear-drop, composed of the four officinal kinds of Sneha duly cooked with the different kinds of officinal urine and acids (wine, sour-gruel, etc.,) as well as with the Váyu-subduing drugs. 17.

General and Specific treatment of Pittaja Ear-ache: — The above-mentioned mode of treatment (ear-drops and fomentations, etc.) with the Pitta-subduing drugs should be followed in Pittaja-Karna-śula (ear-ache). The use of the medicated Ghrita duly cooked with milk weighing ten times as much and with the drugs of the Kákolyádi group, as well as the Ghrita*[1] duly cooked with the drugs of the Tikta (bitter) group would be found beneficial in such cases. Clarified butter duly cooked with the tender sprouts of Kshira-vriksha (milk-exuding trees), as well as with Yashti-madhu and Chandana wood, or that cooked with the decoction of Vimbi with (the Kalka of) sugar,Yasthi-

  1. * Dallana says that Jejjatáchárya holds these two recipes as unauthoritative.