Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/159

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Chap XXIV.]

Vidanga, Tri-kantaka, S'vetá-roots, Sahá (Mudgaparni), Bhadrá (Gámbhári) and Varshábhu should be employed as an errhine, Saralá, Kinihi, Dáru, Nikumbha(Danti) and Ingudi should be pasted together and duly-formed as Vartis. These Vartis should be duly used for the purposes of smoking (Dhuma-pána) 21-22.

Treatment of Tri-doshaja Type:—Clarified butter duly prepared with the drugs of bitter and pungent tastes, inhalation of the smoke of strong- potencied drugs as well as the use of articles of pungent taste and other appropriate medicinal preparations would prove curative in a case of Tri-doshaja Pratiśyáya (nasal catarrh) brought about by the aggravation of all the three Doshas. An intelligent physician should prescribe as an errhine the medicated oil duly cooked and prepared with the admixture of Rasánjana, Ati-vishâ, Musta and Bhadra-dáru. Gargles prepared with the decoction of Musta, Tejovati, Páthá, Katphala, Katuka, Vachá, Sarshapa (mustard), Pippali-mula, Pippali, Saindhava, Agnika (Ajamodá), Tuttha, Karanja-seeds, Salt and Bhadra-dáru should be prescribed. Oil duly cooked with the preceding drugs is recommended for purging (Śiro-vireka) the head of the patient. 23-24.

Flesh of birds and beasts of the Jángala group, aquatic flowers and the Váyu-subduing drugs (Bhadra-dárvádi) should be duly cooked in milk mixed with water weighing half as much as the milk.*[1] The liquid in this case should be reduced to the original quantity of milk, when it should be taken down and allowed to cool. Clarified butter should then be prepared from this milk and should be again duly cooked with the drugs of the Sarvagandhá (Eládi) group, sugar, Anantá, Yashti-

  1. * Some say that milk and water in equal parts should be taken.