Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/16

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Pathology of the diseases affecting the eyes as a whole:— Names and Causes—Symptoms of Vataja—Pittaja—Kaphaja and Raktaja Abhishyanda—Causes of Adhimantha—Symptoms of Vataja—Pittaja—Kaphaja—and Raktaja Adhimantha—Prognosis—Symptoms of Sa-sopha and A-sopha Akshi-paka—Symptoms of Hatadhimanlha—Vata-parydya—S'ushkdkshi-pika—Anyato-vata—Amla-dhyushita—S'irot-pata—Siri-harsha. ... ... ... ... ... 20—24

Pathology of the diseases of the Pupil:—Description of Drishti—Symptoms—When first—second—third and fourth Patola attacked— Blindness—Specific symptoms of Vataja—Pittaja—Kaphaja and Sanni-patika Timira—Parimlayi—Different colours of the pupil in cases of Linga-nas'a— Specific traits of Vataja—Pittaja—Kaphaja—and Sdnnipatika Linga-nas'a— Traits of Vdtaja—Pittaja—and Kaphaja Vidagdha-Drishti— Smoky sight— Hrasva-Jitya—Nakuldndhya,—Gambhirika—Symptoms of traumatic Linga-nas'a. ... ... ... ... 25—31

Classification and treatment of ocular affections:—Classification—Names of Chhedya—Lekhya—lihedya—Vyadhya eyc-diseascs—Names of eye-diseases where operation not to be risked—Names of curable and incurable eye-diseases. ... ... ... 32—33

Treatment of Vsbtaja Ophthalmia:—Tarpana—Puta-paka— Fumigation—Snuff—Wash—Eye-drop—Collyrium—Treatment of Anyatovata—Vata-paryaya—S'ushkakshi-paka. ... ... ... 34—37

Treatment of Pittaja Ophthalmia:—Tarpana measures—Wash —Snuff—Anjana— Rasa-kriya—A's'chyotana—Treatment of S'ukti-paka and Dhuma-dars'i. ... ... ... ... 38—40