Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/193

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Chap. XXXVII. ]

Children of the families in which the gods, the Pitris (departed fathers), the Brahmans, the pious, the precep- tors and the seniors and the guests are not properly worshipped and attended upon and wherein the rules of cleanliness and virtues are not observed and the mem- bers of which do not make daily offerings to the gods and give alms to beggars and live on food prepared by others and eat from broken bowls and plates of Indian bcU-metal would be the proper persons whom you might strike with impunity, and by your malign influence lay them up with diseases peculiar to infant life. (It shall be your duty to see that iniquities of the parents are visited on their children. Attack them without least compunction of heart and ample means of subsistence will be thereby secured to you). There the parents of thoi-e children will worship you in their calamities and you shall get plenty to live upon." 3B.

Thus the Grahas came into being and began to attack the children (of iniquitious parents), and it is therefore that a child attacked by a malignant Graha becomes very hard to be cured. Death or permanent disfigurement of any limb or organ is sure to ensue from an attack of Skanda Graha, since he is the most dreadful of all the Grahas. A case of full-developed attack by any other Graha should be likewise held as incurable. 3.

Thus ends ihe ihirly-scvenlh chapter of the Uttara Taiilra in the Sus'rula Samhita which deals with the origin of the Grahas.