Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/196

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Symptoms of the Kaphaja types:— An Atyáuandá yoni knows no satisfaction in matters of sexual pleasures. Hæmorrhoid growths or polypii due to the aggravation of Kapha and vitiated blood appear on the living membrane of the organ in a Karnini yoni. In an Acharaná yoni a greater quantity of ovum is secreted before the completion of sexual act, and in the other i.e., in an Aticharaná yoni the semen is not retained in consequence of over-indulgence. A SleshmalSb yoni is very cold and .slimy and has a local itching sensation. The first four kinds of this series of vaginal disease (lit. diseased vagina) are also characterised by the actions of the deranged and aggravated Kapha in the locality. 7.

Symptoms of the Tri-doshaja types : —The yoni of a woman marked by the non- appearance of the menses, non-development of her breasts and the roughness of the vagina (vaginal canal) which is felt at the time of coition is called a Shandhi. A woman of tender years, who has just passed her girlhood, when ravi.shed by a man with an abnor- mally developed genital organ, offers Ihe illustration of a Fhalini yoni. An extremely dilated vagina is called Mahskyoni, while an extremely constricted one is called a Suchivaktrai (lit. a vagina with a needle-eyed vulva). The yoni marked with the symptoms of the aggravation of all the three Doshas is said to be a Sarvaja yoni. The four preceding kinds of vaginal malformations or diseases are also due to the concert- ed action of the three deranged Doshas in the locality and these last (five) kinds of Tridoshaja vaginal diseases are incurable. 8. Medical Treatment :— The medical treat- ment of the curable types of vaginal diseases should