Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/202

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[Chap. XXXIX.

of deadly incantations or charms, curses (from Bráhmanas and superiors), any fancied dread or anxiety, effects of miscarriage or untimely parturition, injudicious conduct of life on the part of a woman after delivery, and the first accumulation of the milk in the breast (after delivery) are the causes which lead to an attack of fever, the derangement and aggravation of the fundamental vital principles (Doshas) of the body being the existing origins of the disease. The stomachic heat is propelled by the extremely deranged and aggravated Doshas of the body, and, coursing through the wrong channels in the orgainsm, tends to escape through the surface (the skin of the body) and, by incarcerating the vitiated Rasa Dhátu generally causes a rise in the bodily temperature and puts a stop to perspiration. 8 — 9.

Premonitory Symptoms:— A sense of fatigue or physical languor, aversion to all sorts of work, paleness of complexion, bad taste in the mouth, tearfulness of the eyes, alternate liking and dislike for heat, cold and air, constant yawning, aching of the limbs, a sense of heaviness of the body, horripilation, disrelish for food, darkness of vision, depression and a feeling of creeping cold in the body are the general premonitory symptoms which usher in an attack of fever Constant yawning, burning of the eyes and aversion to food are the special pre-monitory symptoms of the derangement of Váyu, Pitta and Kapha respectively. The derangement of all the three Doshas is marked by the presence of all the symptoms, while, in the derangement of any two of these, the special symptoms of those two Doshas appear. 10.

Symptoms of Vátaja fever;— Shivering,