Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/222

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[Chap. XXXIX.

exhaustion, waste or hurt. An attack of (peurperal) fever incidental to miscarriage or to the spontaneous accumulation of milk in the breast of the mother after delivery, should be medically treated by an experienced physician with Dosha-subduing (Samśamana) remedies according to the deranged bodily Dosha involved therein. Now we shall deal with the recipes of Dosha-subduing (Samśamana) decoctions which may be advantageously employed in all types of fever. 73— 74.

Samśamana decoctions for Váta-J'wara: — A decoction duly prepared of Pippali, Sárivá, Drákshá, Satapushpá and Harenu should be given with the admixture of treacle in a case of Vátaja fever or a cold infusion ‡[1] of Guduchi should be taken by the patient. Similarly a decoction of Valá, Darbha and Śwa-danshtrá boiled down to a quarter part of the original quantity of water and mixed with sugar and clarified butter; or a decoction of Śatapushpá, Vachá, Kush- tha, Devadáru, Harenuká, Kustumburu Nalada and Musta mixed with sugar and honey should be given to a patient in a case of Vátaja fever. A decoction of Drákshá, Guduchi, Káśmarya, Tráyamáná and Sárivá mixed with treacle should be prescribed in a case of Vátaja fever. A potion of the expressed juice of Guduchi mixed with an equal quantity of that of Śatávari and with treacle proves almost instantaneously efficacious in a case of fever of the same type. Rubbing of the

  1. ‡ According to Dallana the cold infusion of Guduchi should be given in a case of Vátaja fever involving the action of vitiated Pitta also; whereas the decoction duly prepared of Guduchi should be prescribed if, in a case of Vátaja-fever, the vitiated Kapha is also involved. Cold infusion is prepared by keeping over-night a quantity of the drugs immersed in hot water. The infusion thus prepared is used in the morning.