Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/227

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Chap. XXXIX. ]

Guduchi, Nimba*[1] and Dhátri duly mixed with honey, may be likewise prescribed (in a case of Cháturthaka fever). The patient should be likewise made to take Laśuna (garlic) with clarified butter. The three decoctions duly prepared with three, four or all of the following drugs, viz: — Madhuka, Patola, Katuka, Mustaka (D. R. — Batsaka) and Haritaki[2] should be like- wise administered, 110 - 111.

A potion consisting of milk, clarified butter, sugar, honey and Pippali should be administered according to the strength of the patient. Similarly Pippali should be taken with the decoction of Daśa-mula. Pippali-Bardhamána (see chapter V, Chikitsita-.sthána) should be likewise used by a patient who should then be made to take only milk or meat-soup. The use of good wine with the meat of fowl is also recommended. 112

Use of medicated Ghrita in cases of Vishama Jwara:— Clarified butter duly cooked with the decoction of Kola,‡[3] Agnimantha and Triphalá, with milk-curd (Dadhi), with Tilvaka as Kalka would be found to be highly efficacious in a case of Vishama Jwara A potion of clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka (and decoction — Dallana) of Pippali, Ativishá, Drákshá, Sárivá, Vilva, Chandana (red), Katuka, Indra-yava, Uśira, Simhi, Tâmalaki, Musta, Tráyamáná, Sthirá (Śálaparni), Ámlaki, Śunthi and Chitraka would be found highly beneficial to irregular (Vishama) appetite and would cure cases of chronic

  1. * Chakradatta reads Musta in place of Nimla.
  2. † Dallana says that some commentators are inclined to use the decoction of the 16 different combinations of the five drugs taken three, four or five at a time.
  3. ‡(25) Kola is here used for Pancha-kola, viz: — Pippali, Pippali-roots, Chávya, Chitraka and Nágara.