Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/232

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[Chap. XXXIX.]

in anointing the body of the patient in a case of Jirna-Jwara with benefit. 126—127.

The patient should be frightened with a non-venomous snake, trained elephants and bogus thieves (or rebuked with a thievish act falsely supposed to have been committed by him before) at the appointed date and hour of the paroxysm and be kept in empty stomach for the day. In the alternative, he should be fed with heavy and extremely secreting articles (milk, milk-curd, etc.) and be made to continually vomit out the contents of his stomach afterwards, or he should be made to drink any strong liquor, or febrifugal medicated clarified butter or simply matured clarified butter in copious quantity or be treated with drastic purgatives, or with fomentations followed by Nirudha-Vasti application on the date of the expected attack. 128.

Fumigation and Anjana:— The body of the patient should be fumigated with the fumes of the skin and hairs of a goat and a sheep mixed with Vachá, Kushtha, Palankashá, (Guggulu), Nimba leaves, and honey and burnt together. The excreta of a cat should be similarly used in fumigating the body of the patient in a case of fever marked by shivering. Pippali, Saindhava and Naipáli (Manah-śilá) should be pasted together and mixed with oil and be applied along the eye-lids as an Anjana. 129 — 130.

The medicated Ghritas mentioned in conection with the treatment of Udara (ascites), as well as the Ajita Ghrita mentioned in the Kalpa-sthána (Chapter II.) may be likewise employed with benefit in fever. 131.

A case of fever due to the malignant influence of the spirits, etc. should be remedied with the help of magical incantations (Áveśana), binding and beating (D. R. —adoration) mentioned in the treatment of Bhuta-vidyá