Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/240

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[Chap. XXXIX.

beneficial results in a case of Váta-śleshma fever, where fomentations have utterly failed to relieve the distressing symptoms of the deranged Váyu. Clarified butter duly cooked with sweet and bitter drugs should be used (for the purpose of annointing) in Pittaja fever; while in Kaphaja fever, the Ghrita should be cooked with bitter and pungent drugs. In the cases of fever due to the concerted action of two or three Doshas, the Ghrita should be cooked with the drugs of two or more of the above groups according to the nature of the Doshas involved in each case. 151 — 152.

The presence of even a small residue of the deranged Pitta in the organism maintains the heat of the skin up to the fever-point, so the remedy consists in taking the expressed juice of sugar-cane, or sweet cordials or Sarvats (sugar dissolved in water), and the diet in such a case should consist of cooked Śali and Shashti rice and milk. Fomentations and anointments should be employed in cases of Kaphaja and Vátaja fevers. Draughts of clarified butter should be given in all forms of fever at the close of twelve days, for by that time the aggravated Doshas return to their respective Áśayas (places in the system). The Dosha involved (in a case of fever) becomes aggravated by affecting, at the time of the remission of the fever, the other fundamental vital principles (Dhátus) of the body and thereby makes the patient weak and dejected at this time. 153 — 155.

Symptoms of remission:— The features or indications which mark a complete remission of fever, are lightness of the head, flow of perspiration, pale and yellowish colour of the face, sneezing and desire for food. 156.

Fever originating from the wrath-fire of the god Śambhu, is a dangerous disease. It affects appetite and