Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/252

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[Chap. XL.

with any sort of pain or complication should be remedied with medicines prepared in the maner of Putapáka preparation (described below). The barks of Dirgha-vrinta (Śyonáka), and polens of lotus should be pasted together and wrapped up in leaves of Káśmari or of Padma (lotus) with their ends tied with string or thread (D. R. — Kuśa). The cover, should be then coated with a plaster of clay and duly scorched in the fire of (smokeless) charcoal (of Khadirá). When well cooked, it should be taken out and the juice, squeezed out of its contents. This juice should be cooled and administered in combination with honey in a case of Atisára. Similar preparations of the drugs known as Jivanti and Mesha-śringi, etc., may also be used in the same way. The skin of a Tittira bird should be peeled off and a paste of the drugs of the Nyagrodhádi group should be stuffed into its belly after it has been previously drawn. After this it should be duly stitched up and cooked (scorched) in the fire in the above manner. The juice should then be squeezed out therefrom and administered, when cool, with the admixture of honey and sugar in a case of Atisára. The drugs known as Lodhra, Chandana, Yashti-madhu, Dárvi, Páthá, Sitá (sugar), Utpala and the barks of Dirgha-vrinta pasted together with the washings of rice should be duly scorched in the fire in the above manner (of a Puta-páka). The juice pressed out of its contents and taken with honey, when cold, proves curative in cases of Atisára due to the action of the deranged Pitta and Kapha. Similar preparations may be made of the aerial roots of Vata, etc ., and may be advantageously prescribed with the soup of the flesh of any Jángala bird (such as Tittira, Kapinjala, etc ,). 43-47.