Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/257

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Chap. XL.]

goat with a paste of Yashti-madhu, sugar, Lodhra, Payasyá (Arkapushpi) and Dárvi and mixed with honey, or with a paste (or powder) of Manjishthá Śarivá, Lodhra, Padmaka, Kumuda, Utpala and Padmá(Bhárgi.) 68-71.

Sugar, Utpala, Lodhra, Samangá, Yashti-madhu and Tila; or Tila, Mocha-rasa and Lodhra; or Yashti-madhu and Utpala; or Kachchurá and Tila are the ingredients of four recipes which, if taken with the she-goat's milk and honey, would remove the blood in the stool. Pastes of unripe Vilva fruits, treacle and honey taken before the meal would be a remedy in a case marked by watery motions mixed with blood. A case of blood-dysentry due to the deranged blood, and Pitta and attended with Śula yields to the use of a compound consisting of Kośakára (a kind of sugar-cane) pulverised parched paddy fried in clarified butter and mixed with sugar and honey. A case of blood-dysentery due to the action of the deranged blood, and Pitta may be cured with a compound of the kernel of a (unripe) Vilva-fruit mixed with Yashti-madhu and taken with the washings of rice, honey and sugar. The remedies mentioned in connection with a case of Guda-páka (suppuration of anus) should also be employed in these cases. Application of Pichchhá-Vasti is recommended in the type where the pain begins to subside. A purgative consisting of the decoction of Vidanga, Triphalá and Pippali should be given to a patient with good appetite as soon as the stool would assume*[1] the colour of blood. In the alternative, a purgative consisting only of milk cooked with Eranda-roots (castor plant) should be employed and the patient should be

  1. * D. R. — When the stool would harden ' '