Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/261

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Chap. XL.]

allay the the accompanying fever and remove the blood (in the stool). Injections of the decoction (of the drugs) of Madhura group (such as Kákoli, etc.) in the manner of an Anuvásana Vasti, should also be applied every day — at daytime or in the night, if the patient be feeling any pain. 90.

A Vasti applied with the admixture of oil would pacify the aggravated bodily Váyu and Praváhiká, would be removed with the pacification of the deranged bodily Váyu. The main treatment, therefore, in a case of Praváhiká is to restore the deranged local Váyu to its normal condition, (which is identical with a cure). 91.

Medical Treatment:— The drugs known as Páthá, Ajmnodá, Kutaja-seeds, Śunthi and Mágadhiká taken in equal parts, pasted together and dissolved in tepid water or milk duly boiled with the testicles of a goat and mixed with clarified butter would prove efficacious in a case of Praváhiká. Clarified butter mixed with oil and duly cooked with Śunthi and Kshavaka would give instantaneous relief, if licked. Yavágu duly prepared with the admixture of Vilva and the expressed juice of Gagáśana (Śallaki), Kumbhiká and Dádima and with curd, oil and clarified butter would prove highly beneficial. The use of milk just drawn would similarly prove beneficial in the case. 92.

A wise and experienced physician should employ the foregoing medicinal compounds and decotions in the complaints of the bowels and of the stomach (Udarámaya) as well as light, appetising and emulsive (Snigdha) articles of fare and other articles of food prescribed before as diet in the cases. 93.

Yavágu:— Yavágu (gruel) is always efficacious in cases of fever and Atisára in as much as it allays