Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/269

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Chap. XLI.]

presence of a lump or plug in the throat (as if something is rising up). 7.

Prognosis: — A physician having an eye to his professional reputation or good name should not take in hand the treatment of a case of Śosha (Phthisis) whether marked by all the preceding eleven kinds of symptoms or attended with six of them viz., cough, Atisára, pain at the sides, loss of voice, aversion to food and fever, or accompanied by only three symptoms, viz. fever, cough and blood-spitting. 8.

Other causes of Śosha and their symptoms: — Sexual excess, grief, old age, over- fatiguing physical exercise, toils of journey, fasting, ulcers and ulceration of the Urah (lungs) are included by certain authorities within the exciting factors of this disease, Śosha. A case of Śosha due to sexual excess is attended with all the symptoms due to loss of semen and is marked by palour or yellowness of the complexion, the vital organic principles beginning with semen being wasted up in succession in their inverse order of enumeration. Constant brooding over the departed person, looseness of the limbs and all the symptoms of sexual excess other than the actual discharge of semen mark a case due to grief, A general cachectic condition of the body accompanied by imbecility of the mind, diminution of bodily strength, impaired functions of the sense-organs, laboured or difficult breathing (D. R. shivering of the limbs), aversion to food, a gong-like voice, expectorations marked by the absence of mucus (A. R. heaviness of the limbs), a general apathy to the concerns of life and (constant mucus) secretions from the ears, nose, eyes and mouth are the symptoms which indicate the origin of the disease in the natural and spontaneous waste of an extreme old age. 9-12.